6/1467 Riverway Dr, Kelso QLD 4815 AUSTRALIA

FAQ’s About Eyelash Tinting

FAQ’s About Eyelash Tinting By Hair Salon Kelso Call Us On 07 4789 2292
1. Will lash tinting make my eyelashes fall out?
It’s highly unlikely. We use an all vegetable dye, which minimises irritation. However, it’s our policy to have you do a patch test 24-48 hours before your first application, just to make sure you have no allergies to the dye.
2. How long will lash tinting last?
About 3-5 weeks.
3. Should I take any precautions after I get my lashes tinted?
Yes, once your lashes have been tinted, do not get them wet for at least ____ hours. You want to make sure the dye is fully dry.
4. Can I swim with my lashes tinted?
Absolutely! You can exercise, watch a tearjerker movie, and peel onions without the hassle of mascara streaking.
5. Why do you want me to get a patch test before the application? I’ve never been allergic to anything.
Although it is unlikely for you to have a reaction to the dye, we like to be absolutely sure. It’s just a precaution.
6. Can I choose a colour the same way I do with mascara?
Yes, you can. And we have many to choose from.
7. What if I want to change to a different colour the next time I get my lashes tinted? Can I do that?
Sure! You can change the colour as often as you like.
8. Can I wear mascara with my lash tinting?
Yes, but the mascara remover will fade the dye, shortening the life of your lash tinting.
9. Is lash tinting safe?
Our lash tinting is an all vegetable dye. It doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals. It is very safe, but we do recommend a patch test 24-48 hours before the application to make sure you have no reaction.
10. Can anyone apply lash tinting?
Unfortunately, yes. That’s why we recommend you have a professional apply the tint. You don’t want someone with minimal experience-or none at all—to work with your eyes. Always get a trained professional for such a delicate task.
FAQs About Eyelash Tinting By Hair Salon Kelso Call Us On 07 4789 2292